♥assalamualaikum chenta♥



PENGUMUMAN :Saya Sayang Kawan Saya..


samat ari selasa sume... juz cant wait for tis friday! wanna step on my beloved sabah again!!! love u sabah!!! juz cant wait... before I continue chit chat bla bla bla here...wanna sy HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my ex-housemate, Miz Dyeyana... May Allah bless u gurl... 

Entry kali ne...aQ dedicated khas special wat kengkawan USO 009 aQ yg tsayang...tcinta... yg paling aQ rindu!!!  dalam reramai kawan yg penah aQ jumpa, yg penah aQ damping, aQ selalu rasa meka inilah yg terbaik yg penah jadi dalam idupQ... bkn diskriminasi...bkn kacang lupakan kulit... but everyone of them treat me as well as they can.. they love me more than others... they believe me wif ol of their heart... 

aQ sayang kat dorg...dan aQ ndak malu mo ckp ama org sebab aQ tau...aQ yakin dorg jugak sayang aQ... bila ingat tym dulu2 (mcmla lama sgt aQ tgalkn form 6 tu kan???)...best sgt...precious moment ever... I LOVE U OL...

sumtimes being here all alone...so empty! sunyi! sepi! kebiasaan idup dgn kebingitan dorg wat idup baru ne sgt2 sunyi sekali... ndak tau mcmn mo describe tp so different... most importantly, no body outside here... accept....trust....love...care....and so on "honestly" towards me... ada gak yg love me here...love them too :)))) but still can change them... 

when I cry, they we're there wipe my tears, holding my hand and say tat I can cry as much as I can, they'll be beside me everytime... when I felt so frust wif anyone outside there, they said dont mind it coz I owez got them.. they would never leave me... 

kawan-kawan USO 009
I do thanks for everyone of you...thanks for shining my life wif ur love...ur care... I LOVE YOU OL... sekalipun idup baru ne memisahkan kita terlalu jauh antara satu sama lain tapi aQ selalu sygkn kamu...perasaan kaseh dn sayang ne takkan terbatas hanya kerana dunia memisahkan kita jauh... tanpa kalian, aQ bkn sesape ari ne... kamu wat idupQ sgt bmakna...kamu beri aQ kenangan remaja yang paling indah... 
Jujur...semoga esok ari kelak ikatan kita ini tetap akan berkekalan selamanya... aQ syg kamu dan akan selalu syg kamu sume... 

inilah yang terindah dalam idupQ bersama kamu...

1 comment:

  1. sya syg kamoo juga zan..:D
    like this.. tq so much dear 4 ur love...we luv u tooo.... miss u alwys...:D


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