♥assalamualaikum chenta♥



♥ ♥ ♥ Hari Baru, Azam Baru ♥ ♥ ♥


samat t/hari sume syg2Q...hepi diwali for those clebrated it... agak busy dua tiga ari ne dgn assignment yg mnimbun... homework yg ndak tcover2... adui memang byk mnjadi "baki tertunggak" ne... dan pastinya perlu dlunaskan sblom 4hb t... lau x, adalah aQ braya dlm ke"stress"an yang mlampau!!! huhu macam2... keja last minute!!! padanlah muka...

♥ let bygones, bygones...today is another day...promise to my dear self...there is no space for another repeated mistake ♥

ya...ini ari baru...semangt pown kena baru... kena refresh mana yg suda mo lapuk ne... kena rebrand new self!!! apa...ari ne baru rasa ada kesedaran dlm diri yang aQ makin lama, makin jauh dari kenormalan idup sebenar!!! huhu...aQ skg ne mang tertewas abes  kmalasan!!! sibuk ngan benda yg ntahpantah!!! ngok ngek tol!!!

ari ne...I do promise my self... no more playing la girls... av to sacrifice more than wat i av done now... perlu sdar diri... sem ne result kena lg power!!! lg kick!!! lg mantap!!! so... aQ kena berubah utk dptkn sume tu... ibarat "yg pipih takkan terbang melayang...yang bulat takkan datang bgolek"... aQ dan diriQ yg perlu mncari!!! xmola g jadik org2 yg dpandang hina tu... huhuhuhu

lagi aQ perlu berubah demi meka yg tsyg..impian meka, cita2Q.. aQ ndak mo gagal!!! aQ mesti dpt wlu apa cara skalipown!!! aQ perlu bjuang...  I lived my life to make their dreams come true... This is my own life but my life is belong to them... I lived to make them proud...to make them hepi ever after...a lot of mistake av been done bfore... so, its juz a right tym to rise n shine to repaid ol tat crappy things!!! ppl said live ur life and save it for ur own but for me, I'll keep and save it for them...

Guys...wish me the best ya??? I ♥ everyone of them as I do ♥ everyone of u... lets fill up our life wif a sweet beautiful lovely history ever... lets  make their dreams, our dreams come true...

My Dear Family ♥♥♥ keep walking wif me till the end coz I'm nothing without u ol... xoxo...

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