♥assalamualaikum chenta♥



Penjenamaan Semula


Hallu u ols... samat berhari Jumaat nan mulia... semoga kita semua mendapat kerahmatan Illahi...insyaallah... pejam celik pejam celik....esok weekends start to begin...Yuhhhhuu!!! Like it much... 

Ada perbezaan tak belog aQ? hikhik...after kritikan demi kritikan yang membina yang telah aQ terima dr kengkawan, inilah hasilnya... A blue polka dot blog!!! I oso change the title of my blog from Bila Si Gadis Biru Bicara to Someone You Used To Know... hehehe ada maksud tu... hikhik 

ppl said my belog is very childish one...unmatured... hikhik besalahkan...I love to be like a child... but tym change and life we must have to learn accept others view... not 100% but just hear it and change if tdk myakitkan diri sendiri... so, I decide to change it to something that more close to my attitude... I choose blue coz it my favret color ever after... love it! then I do choose polka dot patterns becoz it show something yang not so old-fashion but not too childish...vintage gtu! huhuhu 

then the name... Someone You Used To Know is dedicated to anyone who ever ask if I am change my self oredy... yang mana maksudnya... aQ tetap aQ... dulu, kini dan jugak esok lusa... I oso got tis name when I listen to my luvly pinky LG song and one of them is tis name song singing by Zee Avi (I love to hear her song much!) HeHeHe and as I said above tat I am still the girl that u ol ever know before and I would be like that forever! 

apapown...Jom layan gambar2 sengal aQ ngan my beloved coursemate, Fell before-and-after our 2nd last midterm paper.. hehehe AMARAN : aksi yang dipamerkan agak sengal ok! jom layan....

tis is my dear coursemate nama Fell tu.. love her... thanks for owez b wif me dear!
kesengalan bermula!!!

kesengalan tahap dua menjelma!!! huhu nice tak dua biji cokelat itu...ada badam tau...so sedap!

~berdua lebih baik~sengal~huhu~

sempat lagi ya! nakal! ops....so chubby i am!!! hahaha

opssss....aksi sengal dgn My Beby... p/s ily abg!!!

Hahaha sengal ndak??? minta puji... hikhik papown i love u ols... thanx for blogwalking at mine... love till the end!!! xoxo... nunite!

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