♥assalamualaikum chenta♥



Cherita Chenta CBC


~alhamdulillah...kita sume mase bpeluang utk saling bertemu (walaupown...hanya d alam maya...) ~tQ~tQ~sebab sudi jengok2 belog chenta CBC ne... ya? tQvm everyone... Love u ol!!! xoxo...today wanna share something about L.O.V.E <--- topik paling I like, you!

laz nyte full blast abeskan drama chenta korea, Playful Kiss...hehe still av tym kn??? but today r not goin to share about their kiss but wanna share about my point of view towards their love stories... itu you ol go n look by urself la ya... takde maknanye Cik nak share kat cne, okie... hikhik even oredy being 21st, still cannot spit it out from my mouth bha, this 18sx crappy issue... cannot!!! some ppl says, I'm adult enough to hear/say something on tat issue but I choose to keep quite... this is still not the tym bha... I'll be waiting for the day my man come n experienced it together wif me.. hahahaha let my soulmate do tat then..not need to hear about others  but waiting for my frogies prince to come n gve me my first kiss.... yeyyyyyyyyy...geli!!! hahahahaha 

apapown today wanna share about their love... Baek Seong Jo and Oh Ha Ni love stories...

OHN do fall in love BSJ deadly since her first sight towards tat men... BSJ an arrogant intelligent student live on his own class as a great student ever compared to OHN who is sat for Class 7, the last class on their grade... OHN likes to dream being kissed by BSJ <--- makes me feels it too!!! hahahaha OHN doing too much thing to catch BSJ attention... But BSJ keep doing dunno' saja... Sombong nak mampos tis guy... Then one day, OHN decided to give him love letter to say her feelings out... Nak tahu apa jadik???

BSJ kritik surat tu...betulkn grammar OHN yg tunggang tbalik! siap bagi gred D lagi buat OHN letter! OMG...kuang acem punya mamat..arap jak muka encem but no manners lagsung! Then BSJ lukakan ati OHN with say tis " I don't want to fall in love wif stupid girls juz like u're!!!" Really makes the cutie OHN angry...sad...stat hating tis guy!!! really wanna forgetting tis guy!

Then suddenly bad things happen... OHN house collapsed during the earthquake!!! so pity her... n her daddy of sure... but as the world goes around, ppl owez said tat there is a happiness lies on tears.. hidup ini tsirat sjuta hikmah... tis sad stories lead her to become more closer to her dream guy but oso her enemy now!!! BSJ family invited them to live together... Then, the stories just start to begin...

Living on one roof, make them keep arguing to each other..even OHN never stop loving BSJ but she's cant stand still on BSJ teased... BSJ keep calling and acting her as she is the very dumby, slow-catcher girls! Tat makes OHN so angry towards BSJ... She's wanted to stop love him and when it start to begin, BSJ kissed her!!! 

BSJ said " So, how u gonna to forget me if I am the first man kiss ur lips???"

so nice... huhu not the kiss ya... but d moment... makes me want to be in OHN shoes n feel it my self... hahahaha adakah mcm tu???

but as for me... I dreaming for tat kind of love... want a man tat doesnt look for me too much... but let me try to make him proud... let me try to get his heart...hurmmm...wanna try to catch their heart wif my truly self... n wanna (so much!) this things happen which is when I ready to go for another love, then he take me back.. So romantic its for me... 

Deep inside my heart, my self... I'm dreaming tis one... a person who love me on any side of me... my bad side... also my good side... who looks after me without I noticed it... makes me cry juz bcoz I'm sulking bcoz his too cold act ever! hikhik doesn't know why but tis is wat I actually wan from a guy... <--- so damn seriously I dunno why!!! 

hahaha maybe you might be asking "am I lose my mind oredy hah??? hahahaha not la... but tis is the way I loved to... I loved sumone who do not keep showing his love...everywhere...anywhere... I juz loved it much!!! where I can juz feel them when there is only us... only me, my self n I knows and feels him... not the others... 

I'm also known tat I am a very well jealously person  ever but I also known my self as sumone who has higher trust level towards my partner... juz show ur love to me (only me ok??) then u'll gain my trust... 

hurmmm... keep dreaming to meet this kind of man... but.... Has to remember, I've oredy got one... not so perfect as I'm dreaming about but its so enough for me... Mr. Jumran... I LOVE YOU...

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